

  • What is PA Portfolio?
    • A: PA Portfolio is an online document storage and sharing tool that allows you to create an inventory of essential PA career information and documents that can be accessed anywhere, and securely shared with employers and potential employers from a desktop or smartphone.
  • Who can use it?
    • A: PA Portfolio is free for all AAPA members for as long as your membership is current. Nonmembers can purchase a PA Portfolio annual subscription for $95.
  • What happens to my data if my AAPA membership or paid subscription expires?
    • A: You will still have access to your information and documents, but you will not be able to add information or documents, use alerts, or share your information with others using the secure link feature.
  • What is my username & password?
    • A: Your PA Portfolio login credentials are the same username and password that you use to log in to If you have forgotten your login credentials or need assistance with your login information, please contact us at [email protected].
  • Which Internet browsers are supported by PA Portfolio?
    • A: PA Portfolio supports the following Internet browsers:
      • Internet Explorer (IE) 8/9/10/11
      • Firefox
      • Chrome
      • Safari
    • PA Portfolio does not support browser versions that are no longer supported by their manufacturer, such as Microsoft IE6 and IE7. For the application to display correctly, cookies and JavaScript must be allowed/enabled.
    • Please note that not all display problems are caused by browser incompatibility. Please consider that Internet connections, heavy traffic, viruses, spyware and bugs can all have an effect on how items are displayed.
  • What security measures are in place to ensure that my professional data is safe?
    • A: PA Portfolio is housed on AAPA servers that utilize best practices for management, security, communications redundancy, and back-up and recovery measures. Sharing and exporting of your data and documents from PA Portfolio is provided through a secure email link and requires a verification code to access.
  • Is there a mobile app for PA Portfolio?
    • A: There is not a mobile app for PA Portfolio at this time, but the website is mobile-friendly. You can use PA Portfolio from your mobile phone or tablet to do just about anything, including: uploading and sharing your career documents, setting alerts, and updating your profile information.

My Profile

Uploading Documents

  • Why am I asked to complete multiple required fields for every document that I upload?
    • A: When you create a Portfolio, the information that you provide within these fields will be displayed above the image of your uploaded document and will help provide context to your uploaded document. Please note that you can use these fields to store and share key professional information without uploading or sharing an accompanying document.
  • How do I edit or delete information and documents that I have added?
    • A: Click the button to edit the information in an entry. Click the button to delete the entire record.
  • Can I retrieve information and documents after they have been deleted?
    • A: No. Once you delete a record, it cannot be retrieved.
  • How can I get a list of all the documents that I have stored in PA Portfolio?
    • A: Click Share on the right-hand side of the PA Portfolio menu bar to create a new Portfolio. Once there, click on the link labeled Click here to create a new PDF to share and place a check mark beside all your records. Use the View or Download a PDF link to export your complete Portfolio.
  • How do I upload my CME activities into PA Portfolio?
    • A: You can upload your CME activities into PA Portfolio in several ways:
      • AAPA Learning Central CME: Learning Central and PA Portfolio are fully synced as of June 30, 2020. Any AAPA CME certificates you've completed will automatically populate into the AAPA CME Transcript section under the CME tab of your Portfolio.
        In this section, you’ll be able to view, share, and download your AAPA CME transcripts, which include all associated certificates.
        If you uploaded AAPA CME to the CME tab prior June 30, 2020, you’ll notice that the AAPA CME you previously entered manually will still appear in the Self-Reported CME section. This is a duplicate record that will remain there unless you choose to delete it.
      • Self-Reported CME/CME Transcript: For a complete record of all your CME in PA Portfolio, you can manually upload any non-AAPA CME certificates to the Self-Reported CME section and add any non-AAPA CME transcripts to the CME Transcript section.

Setting Alerts

Sharing Your Information

Logging CME with NCCPA

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